Endometriosis Technique to drain ovarian cysts or endometriomas without surgery may be dangerous

ovarian cyst pelvic mass

Surgery is certainly intimidating and can be dangerous.  That is why selecting an expert surgeon is extremely important.  Ideally, this surgeon should be an expert in minimally invasive surgery, which makes recovery very speedy.  Surgery is also not necessary in all cases of ovarian cysts or suspected endometriomas. However, cysts that look benign may not be and women with a family history of ovarian or breast cancer, or older women, can have an associate ovarian cancer. Sticking needles and catheters into something like that can mean the difference between needing chemotherapy or not and possibly even life or death.  The problem is that even the best scans, including MRI and ultrasound, are not completely accurate.  So the “study” that is reported below, which our investigative team unearthed from reviewing medical publications, can be dangerous if applied without thinking.

Dr. Steven Vasilev MD is a renowned expert in minimally-invasive robotic surgery is an oncologist and has written a book on the topic of “Ovarian Cyst Treatment”, which summarizes the issues you should know about.  Do not agree to this procedure noted below without expert consultation first.

“A procedure to drain ovarian cysts without the need for surgery could help more women avoid serious pain and complications of endometriosis without harming their fertility, new research has shown.


Endometriosis, a condition where the cells lining the uterus grow elsewhere in the reproductive organs, affects about one woman in 10 and can cause ovarian cysts (endometriomas), debilitating pelvic pain, and bleeding.

Surgery to remove these cysts can require the removal of parts of the ovaries, where the eggs are developed and released and therefore harm women’s chances of having children.

Draining the thick fluid with a syringe is often ineffective but doctors from Yonsei University College of Medicine in Seoul have now pioneered a new approach with a catheter, a small plastic tube, to clear and treat it.

”Endometrial cyst content can be incredibly thick and sticky,” said Professor Man-Deuk Kim, one of the authors of the study published in the journal, Radiology. “A 16-gauge or 18-gauge needle, which is commonly used for needle-directed sclerotherapy [syringe-delivered treatment for varicose veins or cysts] is sometimes not large enough to completely evacuate the cyst.”

You can read more about it here, but again, we would not advise this without attention to detail and individualized review of your specific situation.

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“I help and guide women to beat endometriosis and gynecologic cancers that are associated with endo, like ovarian cancer, using a unique combination of minimally invasive robotic surgery, precision medicine therapies and complementary holistic natural support towards thriving in survivorship." Dr. Vasilev is the only physician triple board certified in Ob-Gyn, Gynecologic Oncology and Integrative & Holistic Medicine in the United States. He is an accomplished advanced robotic master surgeon, and is internationally vetted by iCareBetter (https://icarebetter.com/doctor/dr-steven-vasilev/). He serves as Professor at the world-renowned Saint John's Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, California and is Clinical Professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He is former faculty and professor at UC Irvine, UCLA, USC and City of Hope and was the founding Medical Director of Integrative Medicine at Providence Saint John's Health Center. He is an active member of multiple medical societies and has been nationally listed in "Best Doctors" for over 20 years.