Coexistence of malacoplakia and mullerianosis in the urinary bladder: An uncommon pathology


Endometriosis is still a poorly understood disease. At G.O. Institute we are constantly looking for the most updated information regarding endometriosis therapy. This is an interesting research paper which we hope will help you understand at least this part of endometriosis treatment.

This article addresses mullerianoisis and malacoplakia as part of endometriosis.

If this article seems to be relevant to your situation, please contact us and Dr. Steven Vasilev, our director. Since we are monitoring this research as it gets published, we can apply it to help you beat endometriosis and get your life back. Dr Steven Vasilev is a renowned minimally invasive endometriosis excision expert, focusing on recurrent and advanced endometriosis excision.

Indian J Urol. 2020 Oct-Dec;36(4):321-323. doi: 10.4103/iju.IJU_134_20. Epub 2020 Oct 1.


Malacoplakia is an inflammatory lesion which can affect any organ in the body but predominantly affects the genitourinary system and mainly the bladder. Malacoplakia of the bladder has variable presentations and is associated with urinary infection or immunosuppression. Mullerianosis of the bladder is a rare lesion that consists of two out of the three tissues, endometriosis, endocervicosis, or endosalpingiosis. It is usually associated with a previous cesarean section or pelvic surgery. The diagnosis is confirmed on histopathological examination. Malacoplakia and mullerianosis are usually isolated lesions of the bladder. We present a unique case of coexistence of malacoplakia and mullerianosis in the urinary bladder, reported for the first time in the literature.

PMID:33376273 | PMC:PMC7759176 | DOI:10.4103/iju.IJU_134_20

Abhay Dinkar Mahajan

This book by Dr. Steven Vasilev MD can help women with ovarian cysts, masses and tumors of all types, including endometriosis and endometriomas.  He is a world-renowned expert on this topic.

To discover more about endometriosis and our unique treatment approach, please READ THIS


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“I help and guide women to beat endometriosis and gynecologic cancers that are associated with endo, like ovarian cancer, using a unique combination of minimally invasive robotic surgery, precision medicine therapies and complementary holistic natural support towards thriving in survivorship." Dr. Vasilev is the only physician triple board certified in Ob-Gyn, Gynecologic Oncology and Integrative & Holistic Medicine in the United States. He is an accomplished advanced robotic master surgeon, and is internationally vetted by iCareBetter ( He serves as Professor at the world-renowned Saint John's Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, California and is Clinical Professor at Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He is former faculty and professor at UC Irvine, UCLA, USC and City of Hope and was the founding Medical Director of Integrative Medicine at Providence Saint John's Health Center. He is an active member of multiple medical societies and has been nationally listed in "Best Doctors" for over 20 years.